About Us

At Insect Deflect, we understand you want to be the star of your outdoor domain. But whether it’s firing up your charcoal grill, hosting a backyard cook-out, or simply the desire to dine outdoors, you’re constantly being annoyed by pesky insects lurking around your food.
We get it.
For years, my wife and I shooed files away, swatted at gnats and brushed ants off the table every time we barbequed and tried to eat outdoors. Sometimes, we would simply give up and take our plates back in the house. While traveling on vacation, we were dining outdoors at a well-known resort and found ourselves with the same problem. Our meal was ruined. We simply could not enjoy the moment because the bugs were annoying the hell out of us.
That’s when Insect Deflect was born. We returned home determined to develop a product to solve this problem. And we did. Insect Deflect is a 100% natural surface spray that repels bugs from food. Now we can all enjoy eating outdoors again with the assurance that flies and other insects are not contaminating our food.
We’re so sure you’ll love Insect Deflect that we stand by our product with a 100% guarantee. If you don’t like it, simply return the bottle within 30 days for a full refund.
It’s time to take back your backyard. Send pests packing with Insect Deflect.
Team Insect Deflect